Training on methodology for biology-driven selection

BovReg project is organizing an onsite, hands-on course on methodology for biology-driven selection, to be held from the 25th – 28th of September 2023 at the University of Aarhus, Denmark.

If interested, please fill up the form below.

Course details

Date: 25-28 September 2023

Place: Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG), Aarhus University.

Address: C. F. Møllers Allé 3, bld. 1130, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark.

Teachers: Ole Christensen (QGG), Beatriz Cuyabano (INRAE), Zexi Cai (QGG) and Praveen Krishna, Chitneedi (FBN) Ismo Stranden (LUKE), and Emre Karaman (QGG).

Targeted audience: The course is open to other cluster projects and relevant industry.

Registration is free of charge, but mandatory. Registrations must be made by the 21st of September 2023.

Participation is limited to 20 participants, on a first come first served basis.

Accommodation: Participants have to organize their own lodging.

Contact: or

Tentative program:





(25 Sep)

–  Overview of BovReg project.

–  Shared experience with real data

–  Introduction to eQTL detection using Nextflow based workflow

–  Live demo of the analysis by downloading the workflow from GitHub

–  The complexity of eukaryotic genome

–  Hands-on practice for variants annotation.


(26 Sep)

– Repetition of matrices, variances and covariances, animal model, BLUP, GBLUP, MBLUP

– Introduction to Bayesian Statistics

– Bayesian methods in GS: BayesA, BayesB, BayesC, and RKHS Bayes


(27 Sep)

– Practical session with exercises to apply and compare Bayesian methods on a small data set

– Whole genome regression methods for including functional annotations

– Introduction to NextGP.jl package for “omics” data analysis


(28 Sep)

– Biology informed genomic predictions

– Inclusion of functional annotations into single-step genomic prediction


Register here

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Are you happy for your email to be added to the participant list that will be made available to all partners?*
Are you or your institute participating in one or several of the EuroFAANG projects?*
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