WP2 – Functional and Structural Genomics Annotation

WP2 Functional and Structural Genomics Annotation WP Leader: Carole Charlier (ULIEGE) ULIEGE, FBN, CRG, INRAE, ETH Zürich, UEDIN, FMV-ULisboa
Task 2.1 Transcriptome analysis Task Leader: Emily Clark (UEDIN) UEDIN, FBN, INRAE, ULIEGE, UALBERTA
Task 2.2 Analysis of regulatory regions Task Leader: Carole Charlier (ULIEGE) ULIEGE, FBN, INRAE, UALBERTA
Task 2.3 Interactions of regulatory regions Task Leader: Christa Kühn (FBN) FBN, INRAE
Task 2.4 Creation of a full map of genomic sites polymorphic in cattle for the presence/absence of mobile genetic elements Task Leader: Carole Charlier (ULIEGE) ULIEGE, ETH Zürich
Task 2.5 Establish the full map of functionally active elements in the bovine genome Task Leader: Carole Charlier (ULIEGE) ULIEGE, CRG, ETH Zürich, FBN, FMV-ULisboa, INRAE, UALBERTA, UEDIN


WP2 objectives

WP2 will establish a map of functionally active regulatory and structural elements in the bovine genome using six new bovine cell lines and a comprehensive catalogue of at least 24 tissues collected from individuals of both sexes, from at least three divergent breeds/crosses kept in different environments. Data from WP2 will be used to identify candidate regulatory variants affecting complex BovReg target traits (WP4), to be confirmed in WP6 and used to establish bd-GP tools (WP7).

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