WP4 – Integrative genotype-phenotype data analysis

WP4 Integrative genotype-phenotype data analysis WP Leader: Hubert Paush (ETH Zürich) ETH Zürich, FBN, INRAE, ULIEGE, WR, AU, Luke, UEDIN
Task 4.1 Association testing between whole-genome sequence variants and BovReg key traits Task Leader: Hubert Pausch (ETH Zürich) ETH Zürich, DPIV, AU, FBN, INRAE, LUKE, UALBERTA, UNILIM, WR
Task 4.2 Effects of integration sites Task Leader: Carole Charlier (ULIEGE) ULIEGE, ETH Zürich
Task 4.3 eQTL and mQTL studies Task Leader: Christa Kühn (FBN) FBN, DPIV, AU, ULIEGE, LUKE, UALBERTA
Task 4.4 Integrating Omics data in GWAS Task Leader: Emily Clark (UEDIN) UEDIN, ETH Zürich, FBN, LUKE


WP4 objectives

Utilising the map of functionally active elements in the bovine genome (WP2, 5), WP4 will combine WGS, transcriptomic, metabolite and phenotypic data from beef and dairy cattle to pinpoint genetic variants underpinning variation in gene expression, intermediate phenotypes and traits related to biological efficiency, disease resistance and fertility.

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